Christopher Morris, the foreign representative of Abengoa, S.A. (Nasdaq: ABGB), a debtor in a foreign proceeding pending in Spain, and 24 affiliates have filed a chapter 15 petitions before the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (Case No. 16-10754). The cases have been assigned to the Honorable Kevin J. Carey. The company is a leading engineering and clean technology company with operations in more than 50 countries worldwide. The company and its affiliates filed a communication with Commercial Court No. 2 in Seville, Spain for protection under article 5 bis under the Spanish Insolvency Law on November 25, 2015. The company recently announced that it has obtained the necessary approval from certain creditors to restructure its debt and that the chapter 15 filing will be in furtherance of that restructuring. The chapter 15 petition for Abengoa, S.A., the petition for recognition, and an emergency motion for provisional relief are provided. Other documents are available through the Bankruptcy Court’s docket.
Contact Norman L. Pernick, Nicholas J. Brannick, or David W. Giattino for more information.